Older News

Remembrance Day Service - Thursday, Nov. 9th @ 10:40 am

Dear DIV Families & Friends,

On Thursday, November 9th, we will be gathering to observe our Remembrance Day Service. All those in the Divine Infant School community are invited to join us for this occasion. The service will begin at 10:40 A.M. in our school gymnasium. Students who are part of a service group (i.e. cubs, scouts, brownies, girl guides, etc.) are invited to wear their uniform. 

Poppies will be available so that every student will have a poppy to wear on Remembrance Day.  Any nominal donation is appreciated.

In addition, Ms. Ryan will once again be preparing our Divine Infant School Community Remembrance Day slideshow. We would like to honour all those in our Divine Infant family who have served or are serving by recognizing them during our Remembrance Day service. We would ask that if you have a picture of either family members or friends who are currently serving, or have served in the military, that you email the photo to Ms. Ryan who will be preparing the slideshow. Please do so by Friday, November 3rd, 2023 directly to katherine.ryan@ocsb.ca. Please indicate the individual’s name (including the proper rank or designation) along with your child’s name so that it can be correctly mentioned in the slideshow. 

*** There is no need to re-submit a photo if you sent in one for a previously viewed Divine Infant Community Remembrance Day slideshow as our slideshow from 2022 will be amended to include the new photos.

Thank you for your support. We hope to see many of you at our Remembrance Day ceremony.

DIV Remembrance Day Planning Team

Sacremental Preparation @ DIV Parish

Please see important information about sacramental preparation this year. 

Sacramental Schedule CONFIRMATION 2023-24 (Grade 6)

First Reconciliation & First Eucharist 2023-24 (Grade 2)

All questions and enquires, please contact Divine Infant Parish directly.

Tiger Cub Spirit Wear - Purchase your gear here

Deadline to order is Sunday, October 29th, 2023


September 27th, 2023


Our Terry Fox Walk/Run at Divine Infant - Tuesday, October 3rd, 2:30 pm

We are pleased to announce that we will be having our annual Terry Fox Walk/Run for Cancer Research at Divine Infant School on Tuesday, October 3rd!  We are happy to support the Terry Fox Run for the 13th consecutive year and to keep the spirit of this amazing Canadian hero alive.  Students will be walking / running around a set route in the school yard and soccer field.  You are welcome to join us!

The students got to meet Atif Rashid at an assembly today, a cancer survivor and motivational speaker. Through the inspiration of Terry Fox, he encouraged the students to conquer challenges, and find strength and hope in the face of obstacles.  

We are encouraging everyone to donate a “Toonie for Terry” (or any amount of your choice will be greatly appreciated).  Students can either give money at school, or donate online.  Follow the link posted below to donate. Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle to school and wears comfortable walking/running shoes.  We look forward to learning more about Terry Fox and honouring his memory by collecting donations for this very worthy cause.

Online Donations:      https://schools.terryfox.ca/DivineInfantSchoolOrleans

Thank you for your support!

Meet the Educators - Tuesday, September 12th 

Welcome back Tiger Cub families and thanks for a great first day! 

Save the date - Tuesday, September 12th, 2023 

We will be hosting a ‘Meet the Educator’ night from 4:30pm to 6:00pm - OPEN HOUSE style!  There will be no formal presentations and parents/guardians with their children in tow are welcome to stop into the school to meet educators and visit the classrooms.  You will be free to drop in anytime between 4:30 and 6 pm.  We hope this format allows for flexibility with your home & work schedules. 

Educators will be sharing with you specific information about routines, curriculum and classroom expectations in the coming week via school messenger. When signing up for school messenger be sure you have selected to receive information from the school, board and educators. 

Here is the team of educators we are blessed to have at Divine Infant this school year. 

JK/SK - L. Connors, J. Racine, A. Karas & J. Jean

Gr 1 - S. Griplas, G. Campbell (FSL J. Macleod)

Gr 1/2 - M. Shorkey (FSL J. Macleod)

Gr 2 - T. DoCanto (FSL L. Lemieux)

Gr 3 - C. Boeckler (FSL L. Lemieux)

Gr 3/4EXT - D. Maheu (FSL J. Gariepy-Ikeson)

Gr 4/5IMM & 5/6IMM - R. Dawson (ENG) & A. Vesely (FSL)

Gr 5/6EXT - R. Mustard (FSL J. Gariepy-Ikeson)

Primary Language Class - R. Laurin

EA Team  - MB. McGowan, K. Fulton, F. Meledoro, S. Panikian & K. Harding 

Library Tech - C. Iverson

Please sign up for school messenger to get these newsletters directly in your email inbox.